
The Story Behind the Mambo N.Y. Style On 2

Of African and European parentage, the mambo is the result of a long cross-cultural journey, an example of the kind of sensual alchemy which is a specialty of the Caribbean. Mambo, conga and bongo were originally Bantu names for musical instruments that were used in rituals and gradually became secular. Mambo means "conversation with the gods" and in Cuba designates a sacred song of the Congos, Cubans of Bantu origin. The Congos have absorbed a variety of foreign influences and the mambo is a delicious cocktail of Bantu, Spanish and Yoruba.

What are the salsa dance styles?

For your information, this is a compilations (from Wikipedia) of the styles in salsa dancing.  The styles include:

Learn About the Music of Cuba

Interested in learning more about the music of Cuba?  Check out this great article posted on Wikipedia about Cuban Music.

History of Danzón

Danzon comes from the words Danza and Son, two other dance styles) Danzon is a dance that is tipically seen to be derived from the African Antigua regions, and originated during the XVII century and derives from 'son cubano'. Son Cubano was originally danced by the Africans of Cabo Verde in their parties and bembés. In time, it gained much popularity in the rest of the Antigua region through the many danzoneras (dance parties dedicated to danzon). During the XIX century it was also incorporated into symphonic works of various composers.

Listening to salsa – for dancers

Or, more than you probably ever wanted to know about clave

Why Salsa?

I do it every weekend and even sometimes during the work week. It is public knowledge I will be doing this whenever and wherever I can. People know this is the love of my life. I am talking about SALSA! You see, everyone might know what my passion is, but they do not understand it. I will tell each and every one of you- why salsa??

History of Rueda de Casino

Thanks to the defined structure of Casino, appeared the popular Rueda de Casino, a type of choreography in circle form that is made by several pairs of dancers, guided by a leader who "sings" the movements.....

In order to speak of the antecedents of the Rueda de Casino it is necessary to go back to the reign of Luis XIV in France where the first ballets first appeared. As of that moment they instituted "ballets de corte". In order to have a good title it was necessary to know certain choreographies that were performed in the celebrations of the nobility. Clear examples: the Minuet and the Contradanzas.

10 Tips To Improve Your Salsa Dancing

1. You're your own worst critic... Watch yourself in a mirror or videotape yourself; and see what you like or don't like about your salsa dancing and change it...
2. Whether you're just starting out or been dancing for a while, sign up for a class or take a workshop to learn some new moves or to help improve your technique...

Leading vs. Following

In the "battle of the sexes" it's hard to say who's on top. But when it comes to dancing salsa it sure is great to be a girl. Following is an immensely enjoyable activity that is incomparable to anything else. The mystery of not knowing what move is coming next and being led into a new pattern or turn can be thrilling. When following you let your mind go, follow, move your body to interpret the music and to express what you're feeling. Moving gracefully to the rhythm of the music can create a sensation akin to floating.
